Imagine if you were in the firing line of a bushfire, a flood or in the eye of a severe storm – how prepared would your organisation be? If your working facility was to be severely impacted, could your business carry on?
If you answered no to the above, then it’s time to say hello to the newly launched Hosted Network Desktop Disaster Recovery(DR)
Put simply, Desktop DR allows for organisations to have a comprehensive desktop disaster recovery plan should adversity strike at a mere fraction of the cost of standard physical desktop DR. Additionally, end-users are able to continue working at optimum productivity anytime, anywhere.
I hear the impending question of costs associated with such security and convenience and this is where the true significance of Desktop DR becomes apparent. Desktop DR allows for a desktop reservation capacity for a tiered workforce, meaning businesses are able to mix and match a variety of recovery SLAs of 6, 24, and 48 for as little as $5 per month, per desktop and with minimal exertionh.
If simplified workforce continuity, recovery on-demand, affordable desktop DR and premium end-user experience are essential to you or the clients you provide for, then allow Hosted Network to manage all desktop DR infrastructure, including security, backups, and ongoing monitoring.
Available now through our channel partners. If you are interested in getting in touch with a reseller please contact Channel Manager Meryl at For more information click here.