Users of Veeam® Software, the innovative provider of solutions that deliver Availability for the Modern Data Center™, all agree that it is a fantastic product that has saved businesses globally, on numerous occasions. However, I think we can all agree that Veeam has always had one limiting feature – offsite backups.
This limitation is a thing of the past with Veeam’s latest release, Veeam Availability Suite V8. The Veeam team’s latest release gives you the ability to replicate your backups to service providers, including Hosted Network!
This new feature is called Cloud Connect, and Hosted Network are proud to be one of the first to launch Cloud Connect as a service offering to our Channel Partners and customers. Cloud Connect functionalities include:
- Only pay for the VMs you want to copy off site and the storage you consume
- Maintain full control over retention periods and when your backups run
- Restore straight to our Hosted vCloud Environment (VMware only)
- Restore individual files, emails, mailboxes or the entire VM straight from the Cloud Connect repository
- All backups are encrypted and transferred over a secure SSL tunnel
If you’re not sure why you need offsite backups, talk to anyone in a leading IT role and they’ll tell you when it comes to backups, the “3-2-1 rule” is crucial. This rule involves keeping three copies of data, on two types of onsite storage and one copy being kept off site. In the past, IT companies have relied on themselves or their clients to ensure backups are taken off site, with Cloud Connect, this service is done automatically, without the hassle.
If you’re wanting to implement off site backups with your Veeam deployment, now is the perfect time to try with our 14 day free trial. Head HERE to try with our online ordering.